Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day is Hope !!

I wouldn't marry you unless you were the last girl on earth !!

Did you say "unless" or "even if" ?

I admit it. I said "unless"


Valentine's Day is LOVE !!!!!

This is our second Valentine's date.  In the past when the 14th of february would come i would either ignore it (because i was a little communist and i didn't like capitalists holidays) or i would be jealous of all those couples that could go out on a date.

Now that we are together i don't have a reason to be jealous and i am definitely not a communist but i am grateful that this day reminds me how far we have gone in our words and actions.

I love you Marie and the word love probably doesn't describe well enough the gratitude that i feel in my heart. Not only you are giving me a reason to change and to grow but you help me everyday to love better and love more.

Marie, i want to build my future with you....forever, if you want.

I can't wait to hold you again


Valentine's Day is ...... oh my God !!

I have no idea what you are eating but...........